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Subject Content

The course is essentially about the study of buildings and the built environment.

The theoretical part of the course examines all parts of building from the planning

stages to the completed building. The course is studied under the following

main headings.

Planning and Design
Drawings and Documents
Site Preliminaries and Foundations
Walls, Partitions
Floors, Roofs
Windows and Doors
Plastering and Painting
Plumbing and Heating
Exam Structure

The examination at higher and ordinary levels has three separate components. 

Section A   Three hour written paper worth 300 marks. The exam consists of 10 questions out of which five have to be attempted. Question 1 is a compulsory drawing question of a building detail.

Section B   4 hour practical woodwork exam where the student makes a small item out of timber under exam conditions. The exam normally takes place in May. This accounts for 150 marks.

Section C   Building Project where the student makes a building detail, a scale model of a building or a craft piece. The student also produces a portfolio to accompany the project that they make. Ideally this project must be completed by Christmas. This accounts for 150 marks.


  • It is recommended that a student taking Leaving Certificate Construction Studies has a general interest in buildings and the built environment.

  • Each student should have an aptitude and interest for design and practical work.

  • Woodwork and/or Technical Graphics would be desirable subjects to have taken at Junior Certificate though not compulsory.

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